
读Linux Device Driver,知道了MODULE_AUTHOR(name)宏会将模块作者加入目标文件。于是自找没趣,把所有的作者名字搜了出来,并写了个小程序简单统计了一下。


  1. 在驱动源码目录/usr/src/linux/drivers下,分别执行下面三条命令:
  2. grep -nHr MODULE_AUTHOR * > module_author.txt
    grep -nHr DRIVER_AUTHOR * > driver_author.txt
    grep -nHr MODULEAUTHOR * > module_author2.txt

  3. 然后运行
  4. python

  5. 结果生成到driver_author_list.txt。



ar cqs libtest.a test.o
ar r libtest.a test.o

gcc -c -fPIC -o test.o test.c
gcc -shared -Wl,soname, test.o

d Delete modules from the archive.
q Quick append; Historically, add the files member… to the end of archive, without checking for
r Insert the files member… into archive (with replacement).
t Display a table listing the contents of archive.
x Extract members (named member) from the archive.

a Add new files after an existing member of the archive.
b Add new files before an existing member of the archive.
s Write an object-file index into the archive, or update an existing one, even if no other change is
made to the archive.

Link Option
Link against dynamic libraries. Only meaningful on platforms for which shared libraries are

Do not link against shared libraries. Only meaningful on platforms for which shared
libraries are supported.

Code Generation
Generate position-independent code (PIC) suitable for use in a shared library, if supported for the
target machine. Such code accesses all constant addresses through a global offset table (GOT). The
dynamic loader resolves the GOT entries when the program starts (the dynamic loader is not part of
GCC; it is part of the operating system). If the GOT size for the linked executable exceeds a
machine-specific maximum size, you get an error message from the linker indicating that -fpic does
not work; in that case, recompile with -fPIC instead. (These maximums are 8k on the SPARC and 32k on
the m68k and RS/6000. The 386 has no such limit.)

Position-independent code requires special support, and therefore works only on certain machines.
For the 386, GCC supports PIC for System V but not for the Sun 386i. Code generated for the IBM
RS/6000 is always position-independent.

If supported for the target machine, emit position-independent code, suitable for dynamic linking and
avoiding any limit on the size of the global offset table. This option makes a difference on the
m68k and the SPARC.

Position-independent code requires special support, and therefore works only on certain machines.
